Thursday, 24 November 2011

FYI: Change of blog name

Ok, so no photos this time.  Probably next week if you must know.  Just thought I should let y'all know that this is definitely and solely a Bissoe Valley Nature Reserve blog, and I won't be posting work from other projects and shoots here.  I should point out that this is NOT official and is in no way affiliated with Cornwall Wildlife Trust (they manage the reserve) - this is an independent university project of my choosing.

The reason for the change? Well, I LOVE this assignment and am really committed to making it as good as possible - it will take up a lot of my time and I will be producing a lot of work from the reserve so it seems only right that I should dedicate this blog to the developments of my project.

So in order to direct a wider audience to my work, I have changed the web address of the blog from to  Better sooner than later.

I hope you continue to enjoy the progression of my work over the coming months,


Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Birds at Bissoe

What a beautiful sunrise!  For those of you who missed it, I'll fill you in.  It was cold - and let it be known that it was (probably) Cornwall's first frost this side of summer.  Mist rose off the arsenic coated river, and the sun steadily rose, with its golden glow lighting a song thrush casually singing high in a tree top.  

I shot a few landscapes to mark the occasion, and then went in search of birds.  I have had only limited success so far but two days ago put some birds feeders on some trees, hoping to increase my success rate.  And I wasn't disappointed! When I arrived there were a couple of blue tits already feeding which I accidentally scared off.  I had a feeling it would be good shoot.  I set up my hide, and waited.  The birds continued to be interested even after their initial fright but they soon came back and they were still feeding after I left. As well as taken some stills, I did some video clips - I've edited the clips together for your viewing

I know they're not brilliant, but it's progress!

Friday, 18 November 2011

Bissoe Valley Nature Reserve

Since I started my final year, on 3rd October to be precise, I have been working on a project that will lead me through to the end of my degree, and hopefully get me a decent result at the end of it.  I was originally planning to do a species study on the Red Kites of Britain, looking at their characteristics and habits within their habitats, as I am writing my dissertation on their reintroductions (try not to yawn).  However, with hindsight this was clearly unfeasible for reasons that are unimportant.  Thankfully I realised that and so I am now doing a habitat study of Bissoe Valley Nature Reserve.  It is an old arsenic mine, which was transformed into a nature reserve roughly 20 years ago and has now been left for nature to have its way with.

Why Bissoe?  It's local - in between Falmouth and Truro (7 miles from my house).  Oh yeah, and there's tons of stuff there!  By stuff I mean naturey things, of course - flora, fungi, wildlife, birds, a cracking industrially scarred landscape too and a few ponds.

*Tell me more* I hear you type...

Well, that's the whole point of my photos...check them out and you'll become enlightened.  I have no doubt that from now to May 2012 a lot of the posts on this blog will be about the progress I make during this project.  I just hope you enjoy them and don't get bored because if you're bored, I probably will be to.  I've got a long way to go, and a wealth of ideas to experiment with.

So here's a completely biased selection of what I think are my best shots so far.  Click and view them BIGGER.

Enjoy, and I'd love to here what you think!


Centaurium erythraea

Amethyst Deceiver

Common Cavalier


Misty Morning

Stormy Morning Rainbow

Common Toad

P.S. It probably goes without saying that I won't uploading as many photos as this every time, but I've been shooting for about 6 weeks now and if I didn't have at least these 8 photos to show, I'd be worried.

Thanks, James

First Blog Post

So, what's it going to be? How will I start this this blog?  Well, I created my own blog on my website,, so with that shameless plug I've already begun.  I see this as a much more accessible and visible way for people to view my work than my own blog, so much of the content will be similar.  Anyway, I hope to update here regularly - probably more regularly than my actual website.  I really hope you enjoy my photography.  I love doing what I do and if it gives pleasure to others then all the better.


Maybe I should tell you a bit about myself?

Ok, I'm 20, in my 3rd, in my final year of a Marine and Natural History Photography degree at University College Falmouth and play excessive amounts of guitar in my spare time.  Not interesting enough for you?  Well...I surf whenever I get the chance, I'm below the average height of a British male and I have VERY curly hair.

So that's me.  Thanks for stopping by. See you soon.
